We are looking forward to teaching the girls how to fish, day trips exploring the rivers, 4th of July fireworks with the best view in the area, and spending time with friends.
Here's a quick tour:
The cabin with the table up. To the left is a small sink and a fridge.
To the right is the:
Head. AKA the Bathroom. My girls think this is the coolest part of the boat!
I am already planning our picnic lunches and dinners that we will take out with us.
The other big event this week (and much more important than our purchase) is that our youngest daughter is turning ONE tomorrow! One year ago tonight I went into labor for the 1st time ( my other two were c-sections- one emergency after induction, one planned due to breech position). I remember being woken up at 1am with a sharp contraction and then my water broke. I never ever thought I would say the words "Honey get up, my water just broke!" but I did! And it was an incredible feeling! My doctor and I had previously agreed on a VBAC, as long as I met all his criteria, which I made sure I did! That started 21 hours of labor (most of it without an epidural), and at 9:26 the next evening our youngest daughter was born (again, via c-section due to her having the cord wrapped around her twice). She was only supposed to be 6.5lbs, but she was actually 8lbs!
Happy Happy First Birthday to my Little Doodlebug!
Saturday is her party, and I will definitely share that with you all. I am still working on the menu, and my Mom has offered to bring a couple dishes. We are so looking forward to it, because several of our closest friends are traveling into town to celebrate with us!
On a side note:
Yesterday we got our first CSA delivery of the season. Looking forward to 20 more weeks of fresh, locally grown veggies!
Here's what was in this weeks bag:
cucumbers, green peppers, HUGE vidalia onions, sugar snap peas, red potatoes, strawberries, and blueberries ( which I forgot to include in the picture-oops!)
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